There are probably a few million blogs out there, so what on earth can possibly warrant another? It's this: We're missing Life. We've ignored most of what Jesus was about when He came the first time, tearing down religious practices and drawing us into a Romance, a LIFE that would be abundant and free. Very few Christians can honestly describe their lives as abundant or free. Most of us are weighed down by burdens that we cannot carry, and have grown weary and hopeless wondering if we're even saved at all. We've been taught to manage our sin, do our duty, try harder, so that one day we'll leave all this behind and get to Heaven. And God remains distant, a taskmaster whom we can never please. We doubt our hearts, and His. And we wonder...Is this it? Do we just suffer along until we're dead?
And it breaks Jesus' heart. We've missed His message. We've done exactly what the religious leaders of His day were doing—trying to appease an apparently angry God.
The truth is, God is insanely in love with us. Insane in that it makes no sense. I know me. You know you. There's nothing much in us worthy of that kind of love and devotion. The kind that wipes away wrongs, that continues to take abuse, or being ignored, that watches as the beloved chases after so many other lovers that never satisfy. And waits patiently, mercifully, all the while whispering softly, "Pick me, pick me." He even sacrificed His own so that we could be free. Yet we think He hates us, or at best, tolerates us.
And if we didn't have enough trouble messing this up on our own, we have an enemy who constantly whispers to us: "Don't trust Him! He's up to something and doesn't really care about you. It is really all about Him, you know? Find life on your own." We've been listening to that voice all our lives, and we've agreed with it. God doesn't have our best interest at heart, so we create our own lives. And we run from the very One who gives meaning, purpose and love. Then we wonder why our lives are still so empty.
There is hope. Jesus came "to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” (Luke 4:18 ESV) Note that these are Jesus' own words, His own description of His mission. Indeed, it's His inaugural address. He could have chosen any passage out of the Bible, or made up anything else He wanted. But He chose this passage from Isaiah so that it would be clear what His heart is toward us. Most of us have read that passage and thought, "Oh, how nice, that Jesus has come to free the captives and give sight to the blind, and care for the poor." And we never realized that He meant us. We are the captives He came to free, we are the blind who cannot see, we are the poor and oppressed without hope apart from Him. He came for us.
That's His message. That's the message that this blog is all about.