"Are you a man whose life feels sort of…boring?...empty?...rout
This will be a lively presentation each night filled with movie clips and music, all aimed at helping you get your heart back and find healing for your wounds. Jesus promised us an abundant life in John 10:10, and He's either a liar, or we're missing something. Which is it?
There is a resource materials fee of $10 per person."
We really really pray that you'll pray and ask God if He wants you there. The enemy does NOT want you there, so really pray about the reasons you come up against that tell you not to go. Everything we've been looking for in this life, that it simply CANNOT provide, is an intimacy with God that no one told us we could have. Most of us default into duty and obedience and then shame when we fail, or we just go find something else to do that floats our boat.
Join us, you will NOT be disappointed.
Register at https://ccclife.ccbchurch.com/w_form_response.php?form_id=1317