God redeems it,
though. He has the last word. He causes all things to work together for good,
for those who love Him and for those who are called according to His purposes.
We rest in that. And we rest in the truth that Ben's rock at the grave is not
the end of his story, merely the end of his story here. Yet his story here even
continues in us. We have been changed by his death, and in that way, he lives
on here in us as we reflect more of a different kind of life.
importantly, his story has only begun in Paradise. Yes, even with a sinful
choice at the end, he gets Paradise. Jesus' payment for sin either pays for all
sin, or leaves the payment unpaid! And if some part of it is unpaid, we are all
doomed. But Jesus did pay it all, so that any of us who become a part of Him
are rescued from sin and death. It's not fair. That's perhaps the hardest part.
For Ben, whatever pain he was experiencing is gone forever, and he enters into
the joy of his Master's rest. While we who are left behind, now suffer in pain
here. We will suffer until that day when we get to Heaven and leave this part of
our story behind, and begin the next chapter.
We now live a
split life. We live a life of sorrow and immense sadness over what's been lost,
and at the same time, a life of joy and hope over God's redemption and what is
yet to come. So when we seem to be unstable, well, we are! When you hear us
talk of the hope and Paradise and our thankfulness that this is not the end of
the story, don't think that we've "over it". We're not, and never
will be. Moments later we can be cast into utter darkness, fighting off all the
why's and the shame that comes at us from the arrows of the enemy. We often
just get paralyzed, unable to move or think. But when you find us sad, don't
think that we've lost hope, for we have not. Indeed, it's that hope that keeps
us and makes us determined to live differently, intentionally, and
transparently. We're in recovery, and will be the rest of our lives here. The
prayers, hugs, and encouragement from so many of you have made a real impact on
us. You help us through each day as you
become the tangible expression of God's love to us, His faithfulness, His
promise to never leave us or forsake us. You are His embrace.
This is not the
end of the story.